Hope and encouragement

Happily Married Spiritually Single

Are you a Christian woman, married to a man who is not a dedicated believer? Do you struggle with the loneliness that comes with that journey?

Jewell Clarke understands what you are going through. She has travelled along the road you are on.

 What we do

Jewell Clarke: Author of "Happily Married, Spiritually Single," bringing hope to women with words of wisdom, prayers, and encouraging scriptures.

Words of Wisdom


Encouraging Scriptures

  • Happily Married Spiritually Single

    “We are to DO the gospel and to go out of our comfort zones. We are told that we are to go out into the harvest field as it is ripe. There is a harvest sitting in our congregation Sunday after Sunday, and it goes unnoticed. That harvest is the spouse of the spiritually single and married.”

  • Proverbs 31: 25 NLT

    “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”

  • Prayer

    Thank you, Father, for the family you have given me. I pray for an increase of your supernatural love. It is steadfast; it never wavers. Help me to experience your unquenchable, unconditional love so I can give it to those all around me, especially to my unbelieving spouse. Nothing can separate me from your love, as it overcomes every deficit in my life. Fill me today. Amen.